
Breath work - CBT for Tinnitus

CBT 4 Tinnitus

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Why Use Relaxation?

Without wishing to state the obvious - relaxation is the opposite of stress. What ever causes us stress, we CAN reverse the physical symptoms of stress, and it can be done simply, easily and quickly

The quickest - and you may think surprisingly - the MOST EFFECTIVE way of doing so is through attentional breath work. There is a multitude of breathing exercises easily found online. Of all of them, there is a specific breath work exercise that I have used with the many thousands of people - in particular those with distressing tinnitus - with whom I have worked during my long career as a Hearing Therapist and Psychotherapist in and outside of the NHS.

Feedback from users on the breath work exercise:
After 5 days of use: "This breathing exercise is definitely making me feel calmer"
After a week of use: "I can fall asleep quickly after the breathing"

Here's an animation video that explains how to do it and a little about what it does to our physiology and neurobiology:
The above exercise is the first of the "practicals" presented in Stage One and used throughout the therapist-supported CBT for Tinnitus E-Programme, together with additional guided relaxation. There are four 30 minute guided relaxation exercises introduced at Stages 2, 4, 6 and 8. In addition, there is a full six-part course of Autogenic Relaxation starting at Stage 6

Physiological Relaxation - to be used 2-3 times each day alongside 2-3 of the 6 daily breathing exercises

Download to print a Relaxation Training Log to keep records of your relaxation exercises


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