
About the CBT for Tinnitus E-Programme and How to Enrol - CBT for Tinnitus

CBT 4 Tinnitus

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About the CBT for Tinnitus E-Programme (CBT4T) & How to Enrol

Developed by Debbie Featherstone in 2020 and now in its fourth edition (CBT4T from 2023), the Neuroscience and Cognitive Behaviour Therapy (CBT) Protocol used for the CBT for Tinnitus E-Programme (CBT4T) is specifically for people whose Tinnitus Functional Index (TFI) is high scoring - Category 4 (53-72%) and Category 5 (73-100%).  

A category 4 and 5 TFI reflects higher than normal stress/anxiety symptoms, a significant proportion of which is shock-reaction that cannot be processed by cognitive processing through CBT. Rather, shock remains stored in the body, wreaking havoc through unexplained symptoms, both physical and emotional.

Reduce stress and reduce anxiety using the protocol in CBT4T that first accesses, then clears the stored shock, enabling consistent excellent outcomes from the bespoke CBT process in this specialist programme.
Provided by dual qualified Hearing Therapist & Psychotherapist Debbie Featherstone
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CBT4T (and CBT4T 12M Plan) includes one 60-90 minute one-to-one appointment using Zoom, along with support throughout the process via email, logs, weekly reporting (SITREP) and bespoke CBT tools. Additional appointments can be booked for £95 per appointment if needed.

CBT4T+ (Enhanced Support) offers enrolment that includes a 60-90 minute appointment (using Zoom) at the end of each of the first SIX MONTHS of enrolment to review with you your progress to date and discuss a plan of action for the upcoming month. This enhanced 1-1 support is in addition to logs, email, weekly reporting (SITREP), and bespoke CBT tools. Enrolment is for one full year.

Complete a Tinnitus Functional Index (TFI) and make sure to request your results at the end of the questions before you press Send. You will receive an email with your TFI results and supporting information about CBT4T.

A CBT for Tinnitus E-Programme (CBT4T) Case Study

About the Neuroscience, Brain Plasticity and Cognitive Behaviour Therapy (CBT)

There are around 86 billion neurons in the brain, organised to fire in patterns (neural pathways) that produce what we experience, moment by moment. Their purpose is to process information and it's the processed information that gives us what we experience.

Neurons that fire together, wire together through repetition, resulting in processed information repeating over and over. This all works to our benefit until what we experience is unpleasant.

Firing patterns of neurons (neural pathways) don't differentiate between an actual experience and an imagined experience, so when we imagine a pleasant experience, the patterns produced are the same as if we were having the actual pleasant experience.

The downside is that firing patterns (neural pathways) work in the same way when we have - or imagine - an unpleasant experience. Something called "Cognitive Bias" kicks in - for good reason, as our brains are wired first and foremost for survival. What we know we know – we cannot “un-know” it. Whatever is going on around us we view through our own window of Cognitive Bias. Consciously and unconsciously, we persistently seek out that which confirms what we know (Confirmation Bias), ignoring to the point of not even noticing there may be alternatives. This is how we end up going down the rabbit hole of suffering, and we perpetuate suffering through multiple means, one of the most common being the repeated use of Cognitive Distortions, for example:

  • Predicting the future
  • All or nothing thinking
  • Maximising the negative, minimising the positive
  • Emotional reasoning
  • Self and other blaming  

Fortunately, brain plasticity gives us the ability to change old firing patterns in to NEW firing patterns of neurons. The more FLEXIBLE we allow our mind (mindset) to be, the more EFFECTIVELY we make use of brain plasticity, precisely what CBT4T enables you to do.   


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